

Noise Pollution Clearinghouse 

The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse is a national non-profit organization with “extensive online noise related resources”. They seek to raise awareness about noise pollution, create and distribute information regarding the topic, strengthen laws and governmental efforts to control noise pollution, and assist activists working against noise pollution. Their mission is “to create more civil cities and more natural rural and wilderness areas by reducing noise pollution at the source. This site provides many concrete ways to take action in joining campaigns to fight noise pollution.

United State 
Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency work to control noisy activities through its Office of Noise Abatement and Control. This site provides links to get involved with one’s local government to help protect the environment through the silencing of noise pollution within their community. 

The Nature Sounds Society

The Nature Sounds Society is a world-wide organization whose main goal is to encourage the preservation, appreciation and creative use of natural sounds. They promote education on the aesthetic aspects of nature sounds through their programs and contacts. This site provides statistics, background information, and pictures on noise pollution all over the world.

Atlantic Whale Foundation

The Atlantic Whale Foundation believes that “the responsibility to defend nature belongs to each of us- as individuals.” They encourage individuals to make a difference through positive action within communities, the environment and in nature, globally. This site provides many ways for people interested to get involved in eco tourism, volunteering with whales, educational groups, fundraising, protecting habitats, and expeditions. 

Live Science

The Live Science website is a branch off of the Tech Media Network and provides up to date, credible news stories on a diverse range of topics. This website provided me with many news articles relevant to noise pollution, which included many statistics and specific information about certain species affected by the pollution.